Dresser: M2210


The multi-grain layered aggregate dressing tool of type M2210 is used in the profiling and dressing processes of abrasive wheels made of electrocorundum and silicon carbide with various bonds and large dimensions.

It can also be used for dressing superhard materials (diamond and borazon). However, this requires a significant reduction (by approximately 5 times) in the longitudinal feed rate and dressing depth.


Machining parameters

Longitudinal feed / 1 revolution Thickness of the layer removed during one pass
0,20 – 0,60 mm 0,02 – 0,04 mm

Dresser parameters

Granulation The mass of diamond crystals.
2,50 2,50 kr

Order example

Dressing symbol Granulation Assortment
M2210 2,50 M2210 2,50


The multi-grain layered aggregate dressing tool of type M2210 is used in the profiling and dressing processes of abrasive wheels made of electrocorundum and silicon carbide with various bonds and large dimensions.

It can also be used for dressing superhard materials (diamond and borazon). However, this requires a significant reduction (by approximately 5 times) in the longitudinal feed rate and dressing depth.

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